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  • Dear All

    A guide to updating the rides list information.

    Ride Information/Owner Information

    Ride Missing? - If there is a ride missing, please create a new topic in the relevant forum with as many details as you have.

    Information incorrect? - Please reply to the appropriate post. A Rides List Moderator will update the information and delete your post

    New Owner? - Please reply to the appropriate post. A Rides List Moderator will update the information and delete your post

    No Longer Travelling? - Reply to the appropriate post and a Rides List Moderator will amend the entry


    The photo in the initial post will be the most recent, full ride, daytime shot where available. Other photos of the ride may be added as replies, but please ensure that a similar photo doesn't already exist in the topic. Suggested additional photos would include:-

    • Day/Night shot
    • Different decor
    • Build up photos
    • Full flash/minimal flash
    • Load with a different prime mover
    • In action/still
    • Winter or Xmas/Normal theme
    • Anything exceptional/interesting (e.g. built up outside Buckingham Palace, has a celebrity on it - bad examples, but hopefully you get my thinking  )
    • A historic photo that shows the same decor/state could be interesting showing that a ride hasn't changed in 20 years. This will be difficult to quantify as 20 photos, one from each year showing the same state will defeat the object of the rides list. 

    Please ensure that:

    •  Your photo is no larger than 800x600
    •  You either own the copyright or have the express permission of the copyright holder to post.

    If there is a ride without a photo displayed, please feel free to reply to the topic with your photo. 

    Do NOT use the rides list to discuss rides - use the appropriate forum!!!!

    Please note - we don't deal in rumour, please post only information that you are sure of!




    The Team 

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