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Bill Edwards

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Bill Edwards

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Mark D. B. Jones

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Hi Bill & other admin / moderator people on this great forum. I once accidentally posted the location of a Showman's yard, but has anyone ever considered providing a list of the major Showmen (anyone who has a ride on the rides list), possibly just the surname eg. Jennings - Kidderminster (& before anyone asks they do NOT have their current yard in Kidderminster but are from this appropriate area) followed by the approximate area they are from the the approximate areas they cover? I could add some information such as the fact that even though one Showman is from the North East he often also travels around South Wales.

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Bill Edwards

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Hi Bill & other admin / moderator people on this great forum. I once accidentally posted the location of a Showman's yard, but has anyone ever considered providing a list of the major Showmen (anyone who has a ride on the rides list), possibly just the surname eg. Jennings - Kidderminster (& before anyone asks they do NOT have their current yard in Kidderminster but are from this appropriate area) followed by the approximate area they are from the the approximate areas they cover? I could add some information such as the fact that even though one Showman is from the North East he often also travels around South Wales.

It hasn't been considered in that form. Previous experience has shown us that Showmen do NOT want the locations of their yards (and by definition, their equipment) advertised on the forum. I know that by Googling many UK Showmen you can find their addresses on their web sites. However that isn't the necessarily the same location as their yards.

If we have input from Showmen that shows there is no objection to a very general location being added AND there is a desire from members to have this listed, then we can consider it. Personally I don't see a need.

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Stewart Thom

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A long time ago, when there was a lot of nonsense on here about only having lists for machines which travelled rather than were in parks, I suggested that all machines should be listed but it would be useful in the "notes" section of the machine lists to have approximate areas in which a machine travelled or indeed if it was permanently located in a park. There was a lot of debate about whether certain machines were eligible to be on the lists of travelling rides but common sense prevailed and I think all machines are now listed, then it was decided that machines which were exported or scrapped could have the prefix ZZ so that they moved to the bottom of the list - A great idea. Unfortunately not many machines on the list say in the notes the area in which they travel but that might be down to a lack of information provided by members rather than a reluctance to put the information in the notes by the moderators.

This is completely different to listing where individual Showmen's yards are located, which I agree is unnecessary and could lead to a lot of inconvenience to Showmen.

Edited by Stewart Thom
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Bill Edwards

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A long time ago, when there was a lot of nonsense on here about only having lists for machines which travelled rather than were in parks, I suggested that all machines should be listed but it would be useful in the "notes" section of the machine lists to have approximate areas in which a machine travelled or indeed if it was permanently located in a park. There was a lot of debate about whether certain machines were eligible to be on the lists of travelling rides but common sense prevailed and I think all machines are now listed, then it was decided that machines which were exported or scrapped could have the prefix ZZ so that they moved to the bottom of the list - A great idea. Unfortunately not many machines on the list say in the notes the area in which they travel but that might be down to a lack of information provided by members rather than a reluctance to put the information in the notes by the moderators.

This is completely different to listing where individual Showmen's yards are located, which I agree is unnecessary and could lead to a lot of inconvenience to Showmen.

I don't agree that it was "nonsense" - The site was started by myself in 1997 with a very narrow brief - UK Travelling Funfairs. That was, and still is, my main area of interest. The decision was taken by the Moderator team, taking into account member comments and I believe it was the right decision at the time. Demand has changed and so has our policy. The site has evolved and will continue to do so to keep up with what our members want.

The ZZ Prefix was brought in so that rides no longer travelling or in the UK wouldn't clog up the rides list - they aren't deleted as we didn't want to lose the history we had built up. The policy works :)

I anticipated using the notes section for ANYTHING relevant to the ride - dates of decor changes, details of area traveled, major fairs attended, who decorated it, details of work done etc. Any narrative that adds knowledge of the ride or it's history will be posted. If anyone has any contribution, please feel free to reply to the ride entry and it will be updated :)

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Stewart Thom

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I can see that in the context of having a site for travelling fairs as your brief would have made it an issue for machines which spent some time in parks but my recollection is that some people wanted these machines removed from the lists while they spent a summer season in a park and then reinstated when they came out to travel in the back end of the year. I thought that was farcical at the time and still do but its only my opinion and I'm not trying to start an argument about it especially as the current situation is broadly what I suggested as a solution at the time it was being discussed.

I would be happy to contribute notes about some of the machines on the lists as to what area they generally travel around, especially in Scotland and will add to the machine lists as requiested.

Keep up the good work!

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Of course people know where some yards are it's like someone snooping on you quarters are private unless a showman wants to tell people and can't see that .

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Its the same as houses really. You wouldn't be happy if another member posted your address on here, at the end of the day what the showman wants you to know, he will tell you! If you are lucky enough to know the location of a yard or even have the privilege to visit a yard then keep the privilege to yourself and don't tell the world where X showman's yard is ;)

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Bill Edwards

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We are going off course here!

I think we are more or less on agreement that the locations of yards should not be posted. But the question being asked is different :)

Is it acceptable to post a location a Showman is from? And if it is acceptable is the information needed?

My personal view is that it is acceptable. My profile says I am from Bedford and I don't have a problem with that.

However I am of the view that with regards to showmen, the information is of no use to me. If I do need such specific information, there are other ways I can find out.

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Happy Showman

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I'm a showman I do not want details of were I live put on here
If I want people to know them details I will tell them
I also do not agree with showing our living vans on here and definitely don't agree with pairing living vans with there owners

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Bill Edwards

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Happy Showman - the question being asked is would you be happy for your home town being mentioned? Such as mine is Bedford?

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Richard Walker

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Iv been reading these and I my self agree with what some have said a showmans yard should stay private and if you have the privilege of being aloud in a showmans yard and you have permission to post on the forum for fellow enthusiast to view then that's fine how ever respect the showmans privacy he she has aloud you in but that doesn't mean you can advertise exactly were they live. Know as for what Bill was asking if I took a photo in a showmans yard I wouldn't put were I took the photo but would state the city that I took it eg Nottinghamshire and that's all.

I know where many showmans yards are and I have been lucky enough to be in one or two of them but I have never advertise nor would I as I respect the showman and there family's where they live. I'm from Nottinghamshire for me that OK so yes city but that's it...

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Paul Masters

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Personally I don't believe we need to know where showmen come from - town, area section etc at all .why? What use and business is that to any of us on the forum , none ! I believe that most people will know where most showmen are based by where they travel with exceptions of those that travel further afield i.e Wilsons . As for the living vans that's an old topic that was decided that the Majority of showmen don't mind , if they do I believe Bill And the mods would remove any images requested , that said why don't we also ban any photos of ALL equipment make everyone Happy

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Adam Winkworth

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As above i know of a few yards but...would never even dream of sharing locations ect as if it we're me i wouldn't want everyone to know and chance people Trespassing on my land and invading my privacy!! I think a lot of it is common sense.

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At present, every member has the opportunity to add their location, to the details below their username, on the left of the screen.

I would think that our Showmen members, wanting their location known, would have added that information? :unsure:

Those that haven't, don't. :)

Simples. ;)

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Paul Masters

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Would also make a suggestion that we also stop the spotted posts as these posts can also give area locations and also give locations of where equipment might be heading which might upset some showmen that want to keep their next location private thus infringing on their civil liberties - plus the info is usually on social media sites anyway !

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I don't think stopping the "Spotted" posts is a good idea, they have never done any harm (as yet) And there is no breach of privacy. Just the same of truck spotting

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Bill Edwards

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At present, every member has the opportunity to add their location, to the details below their username, on the left of the screen.

I would think that our Showmen members, wanting their location known, would have added that information? :unsure:

Those that haven't, don't. :)

Simples. ;)

A very valid point John and one which I think concludes this discussion :)

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Would also make a suggestion that we also stop the spotted posts as these posts can also give area locations and also give locations of where equipment might be heading which might upset some showmen that want to keep their next location private thus infringing on their civil liberties - plus the info is usually on social media sites anyway !

Point 1) Your point about not giving away the location of where the equipment may be headed doesn't work because once it's arrived, someone will likely do a report and then everyone knows what equipment is there anyway, so how can he keep the location of his equipment private?

Point 2) If it's on social media sites, then everyone knows where the equipment is anyway, so how can the showman keep the location of his equipment private?

Edited by Trojanhorse11
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Paul Masters

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my post above should be taken with a pinch of salt ,it was a question of where to draw the line ,and posted a bit tongue in cheek, totally agree with you Trojan horse and Thomas , no more comment from me as Bill has said the post as gone right of topic and should conclude on that . Cheers Paul

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Paul Needham

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a few points that spring to mind on reading this, thanks stewart, i couldnt figure out what the heck all this zz stuff was, now i know

happy showman did say where he was from, gods county, northern section

and yes, as said if its on social media wheres the harm it being on here spotted, we are members who bill can vouch for whereas cant anybody join facebook etc,

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Mike Willis

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we are members who bill can vouch for whereas cant anybody join facebook etc,

Anybody can join ATFOTF and I'm sure Bill cannot vouch for all of our members.

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Bill Edwards

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We used to ask members to prove that they were who they said they were, but it was proving difficult and put off a lot of members. We now take people at face value, so apologies, I can't vouch for anyone.

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Wayne Entwistle

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I remember you vetting me Bill.

I did everything i could to help even providing showmens as a reference.

Didnt put me off at all in fact i rather liked the questions asked.

If you have nothing to hide then come and join us it will be well worth it !!!!!!!!

Regards Wayne.

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