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Bill Edwards

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Bill Edwards

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Dear All

The Like/Reputation system is actually one system with different settings.

We currently have it set up as "Like" with those members that have "Liked" the post listed.

It can also be set up for positive reputation - there is an up arrow to vote up the persons reputation (This will still show on their profile as number of "Likes"). This incarnation is invisible - no one will see who has "Liked" the post.

It can also be set up for positive/negative reputation - there are up AND down arrows to vote up or down a persons reputation (This will still show on their profile as number of "Likes"). This incarnation is invisible - no one will see who has "Liked" or "Disliked" the post.

I am considering changing the system to Positive & Negative reputation, but would appreciate your thoughts.....

My thinking is:-

Whilst I don't want to discourage anyone from posting, there have been a number of posts recently that didn't need posting - requests for information that is easily accessible on the site or from the Internet. Would a vote down make people think before posting?

The main reason I am considering it is that, on occasion, some members, albeit a small minority, are less than friendly with their replies. We've all seen replies that are unhelpful, sarcastic and sometimes just rude. Would being able to vote down make a difference?

Would a positive/negative system give a more balanced view of other members?

I am aware that what constitutes a "good" post is speculative and consequently it would be impossible for the Moderator team to deal with complaints such as "My post was OK, but has a vote down - please deal"

As the Like/Reputation system is essentially the same system with different settings, it could be switched for a "trial" if there was support for the idea.

I am in favour of the positive/negative vote system, but would appreciate your views.

All the best


EDIT - I can set the maximum number of positive and negative points that can be given. So, you could have 30 "Pluses" and "5 "Negatives" per day - or whatever figures we deem appropriate.

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Has to be worth a go. :)

However, if we do go for it, I'd prefer to be able to award the same number of negatives to pluses. :o:P

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John Carter

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For me, the whole business of reputation, positives, negatives and likes is a bit too much like being at school. Thankfully, there's not yet an internet equivalent of the cane or detention.

I can see a use for "Likes", however, in that they tend to cut down the number of short posts, which add nothing to the topic except appreciation.

If you think someone has gone down in your estimation, then you should have the bottle to come out and say so, rather than downgrade their "Reputation" anonymously.

Two things occur to me about posts "which didn't need posting".

Firstly, there's a tendency for the computer-literate to forget what it was like to be struggling to come to terms with computers and the internet. In my case, I've finally become adept with a PC, but when I try to log on with a phone or tablet, all that frustration comes flooding back. In these cases, if possible, we should try and help those making the posts, at least until it's obvious that a particular member is just being lazy.

Secondly, it seems to me that some experienced, long-time enthusiasts often give unnecessarily brief and sharp replies to queries from those with less knowledge. They can seem patronising when, in my opinion, they should be falling over themselves to encourage others to share in their hobby. They certainly won't be falling over other fairground enthusiasts, even when they go to a fair.

Edited by John Carter
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Bill Edwards

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Thanks for your input. It is the group mentioned in your "secondly" that I hope will be encouraged to assist more if their replies are short and they are voted down. I can't think of another way to discourage that sort of reply.



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Rob Warner

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My 2p worth - and it appears that I agree with John.

I recall it being a hot topic a while ago that people don't add unnecessary replies to a topic, and I found the "Like" option, with your name listed, was the perfect solution. You asked a question, someone else answered it perfectly and all you needed to do was click "Like". The person who kindly replied saw that you'd added your "Like" - and that would be instead of a "Thank you" post.

I have recently been the victim of some nasty trolling on Twitter - and it is clear that people behave differently when they feel anonymous. It's one thing not having people actively "Like"-ing your post, but a different thing altogether to have people actively dislike your post - especially if there are no replies making it clear as to why they clicked the "Dislike" button. With people able to "Dislike" anonymously, it becomes someone honking you in your car, or "Tutting" loudly to make their disproval known, but with no apparent reason. I'd always prefer to have someone type in a response and explain why! If someone has broken Forum rules in a post, then I'm sure our trusy moderators would deal with that post. If, however, someone posts something with which you disagree - far better to have a debate about it than click "Dislike".

Edited by Rob Warner
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Paul McHaddan

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I say leave it the way it is nothing wrong with it ;)

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leave it as it is personally it works and im not sure the the new way would work

Edited by Ormester101
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k..................... ;)

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Bill Edwards

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Some well reasoned arguments which I agree with. We will leave it as it is.

I 100% agree with Chunkie though, it would be great if members could be a little courteous when adding short, sharp replies. It doesn't take long to be nice and if you really don't have the time or inclination, perhaps it would be better to leave it alone?

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chunkie spot on it infuriates me with sarcastic comments people ask on forums for a reason and end of the day we are all fair enthusiasts

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Steve Barton

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Having read the posts of John. Rob and Lee, I can see a good argument for leaving well alone.

Let's stick with the 'Likes' and, instead, ask those who just post a 'link', or "brief and sharp replies", which does come across as unnecessary sarcasm, :unsure: to add a little more text to be helpful. It only takes a minute more. :)

Go on. Hit that Like button. You know you want to. ;)

Just to add a bit more to Chunkies post there are two sides to this there has been on occasions where someone has asked for information or where to locate something on the Forum or elsewhere and when the information has been supplied the original poster hasn't got the courtesy to acknowledge or click like as a thanks to the person who has supplied the information. This could be a reason why sometimes some of the replies are a bit abrupt. ;)

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Just to add a bit more to Chunkies post there are two sides to this there has been on occasions where someone has asked for information or where to locate something on the Forum or elsewhere and when the information has been supplied the original poster hasn't got the courtesy to acknowledge or click like as a thanks to the person who has supplied the information. This could be a reason why sometimes some of the replies are a bit abrupt. ;)

That may account for a few. However, we do get a lot of posts www.example.com :rolleyes: which could be so much better as,

"Why not try, www.example.com I think the answer will be there".

It's that little added text that makes a suggestion more friendly. :)

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Steve Barton

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That may account for a few. However, we do get a lot of posts www.example.com :rolleyes: which could be so much better as,

"Why not try, www.example.com I think the answer will be there".

It's that little added text that makes a suggestion more friendly. :)

I know that Mike I was just putting across that sometimes a thank you / like is forgotten when the information has been supplied. :)

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Roger Peatman

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I think this is one of those issues which has no definitive solution - so for that reason, I recommend we keep it as it is !

Just one thing , (without splitting hairs), - I preferred the "Thanks" button to the "Like this" button , because I think "Thanks" suggests a more sincere appreciation of the post , - especially when someone goes to the trouble of including a set of photos, or provides an informative answer to members' specific questions.

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Bill Edwards

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I think this is one of those issues which has no definitive solution - so for that reason, I recommend we keep it as it is !

Just one thing , (without splitting hairs), - I preferred the "Thanks" button to the "Like this" button , because I think "Thanks" suggests a more sincere appreciation of the post , - especially when someone goes to the trouble of including a set of photos, or provides an informative answer to members' specific questions.

It is an easy task to change the wording on the "Like This" Button - Could be changed to "Thanks" easily enough :)

EDIT - I've altered the button to "Like This / Thanks"

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Wayne Entwistle

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Its like what my mother taught me if its not a positive answer keep it to yourself and you will go far.

She was right.

Regards Wayne.

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Gary Witcomb

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Iam Completely Against Anything Done Anonymously On Here Or Anyware Else on the net, if you can say it in your OWN name don't say it at all, far to many members hide behind there pseudonym names and even when you meet them face to face some wont give there own names

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