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Coming Events - Help Entering!

Bill Edwards

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Dear All


As per previous posts, no one person will be entering Coming Events for 2016 - It is up to YOU, the members to enter the events.


I currently have details of just over 100 events for 2016 that need entering. If you are ready, willing and able to make a start on these, please let me know.


Those members who volunteered for do an "area", please let me know and I will sort out the events for you to enter.


Many thanks



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Mark D. B. Jones

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Hi Bill, as I already enter details of fun fairs I know about in my area, and if no-one else has volunteered then I am willing to cover the main areas I visit including the West & South Midlands and possibly East Wales including the following Showmen: Dobsons (G. H. Dobson), Jennings Brothers (Kidderminster), Harry Jones, Thomas Jones, Tommy Wilson (Wilsons Amusements Redditch), Joseph Danter, Ann Rogers, W & K N Rolland (Porter), Deakins, James Danter (often now attended by Perry Hatwell), Edward Danter / Danter Brothers and possibly other Showmen I may have inadvertently missed. I guess you can message me a list for me to split out & re-enter.


Regards, Mark

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As has been discussed previously, Coming Events will not be entered on behalf of members - it is simply too much for any one person to do.


There has been just ONE volunteer to make a start on the list I have. (Thank you Mark!)


If you are able to enter a few of the events I have, please let me know.


Without YOUR support, we will have NO COMING EVENTS SECTION for 2016 :(


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I was going to make a start on adding established eastern counties events once we got to January, but if you have some for me to enter Bill i can make a start now if you like.

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20 minutes ago, Lee Harwood said:

I was going to make a start on adding established eastern counties events once we got to January, but if you have some for me to enter Bill i can make a start now if you like.


Thanks Lee, I've sent a couple :)


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Whilst I appreciate that the start of the season is a long way off, and that everyone is busy with family, work and Christmas, the number of Members volunteering to help with next year's Coming Events has been disappointing.


I have details of 113 events for next year that need entering. Just 3 members have volunteered and have entered 39 Events.


That means that I currently have details of 74 events and unless I enter them myself, our members will never know about them!


It is too much for any one person to enter all the events - but if members would be prepared to enter a handful each, we could get them all in the forum in a short space of time!



It is as simple as starting a new topic in the appropriate forum, entering the dates as the title and as many details of the event in the post as are known. A handful would take 5 minutes. OR, you could leave it to someone else and we'll lose the facility!


Unless YOU volunteer to come forward and enter some events, we will lose the facility.

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On 24 December 2015 at 17:46, Bill Edwards said:

Whilst I appreciate that the start of the season is a long way off, and that everyone is busy with family, work and Christmas, the number of Members volunteering to help with next year's Coming Events has been disappointing.


I have details of 113 events for next year that need entering. Just 3 members have volunteered and have entered 39 Events.


That means that I currently have details of 74 events and unless I enter them myself, our members will never know about them!


It is too much for any one person to enter all the events - but if members would be prepared to enter a handful each, we could get them all in the forum in a short space of time!



It is as simple as starting a new topic in the appropriate forum, entering the dates as the title and as many details of the event in the post as are known. A handful would take 5 minutes. OR, you could leave it to someone else and we'll lose the facility!


Unless YOU volunteer to come forward and enter some events, we will lose the facility.

There must be a load of members who can spare just a few minutes to help out with entering 'Coming Events'.


This has to be the last time of asking. Use it or lose it. 

Or, in this case, offer a few minutes of your time.

Is it too much to ask??

Please!!!!!!! ;)

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I'll do a few

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Bill Edwards

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We are slowing getting through the backlog :)


80 of the 113 events we currently know for 2016 have been entered (or are in the process of being done)


Granted it's tedious doing loads of them, but if 6 members volunteered to do 5 each (about five minutes work each volunteer) we'd be up to date :)



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1 hour ago, Bill Edwards said:

We are slowing getting through the backlog :)


80 of the 113 events we currently know for 2016 have been entered (or are in the process of being done)


Granted it's tedious doing loads of them, but if 6 members volunteered to do 5 each (about five minutes work each volunteer) we'd be up to date :)



Can you pm me some more? :)

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