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Rides List Photos

Bill Edwards

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Bill Edwards

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Dear All


Since opening up the Rides List Photos from just a photo of the ride and load to include historic photos, we have had some fantastic photos submitted and I am extremely grateful to all those that have taken the time to sort through their photo collections and add them for us to enjoy - THANK YOU!!


However, for the Rides List photos to remain useful it is important that we don't fill each ride up with dozens of photos all essentially showing the same thing. Having discussed this with the Forum Panel, we have decided that the following should be used as a guide when adding Rides List photos:-


  • Day/Night shot
  • Different decor
  • Build up photos
  • Full flash/minimal flash
  • Load with a different prime mover
  • In action/still
  • Winter or Xmas/Normal theme
  • Anything exceptional/interesting (e.g. built up outside Buckingham Palace, has a celebrity on it - bad examples, but hopefully you get my thinking :) )
  • A historic photo that shows the same decor/state could be interesting showing that a ride hasn't changed in 20 years. This will be difficult to quantify as 20 photos, one from each year showing the same state will defeat the object of the rides list. 


I hope you will understand the thinking behind this policy. Although we are grateful for any photos submitted to the site, to maintain the usefulness of the Rides List we will be editing out any photos that don't add to the list.


Many thanks



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Chris Russell

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Hi Bill,

Quite happy with all that. If any of my photos are removed will quite understand.



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Bill Edwards

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If I can just clarify this policy please.....


We are ALWAYS grateful for the submission of photos - it's a big part of the forum's success. However, the usefulness of the rides list will only be maintained if the photos submitted add to the topic.


Photos for the RIDES LIST must add to the topic - they must show something DIFFERENT to the photos already submitted and I've given some examples:-


On 3/14/2016 at 23:00, Bill Edwards said:
  • Day/Night shot
  • Different decor
  • Build up photos
  • Full flash/minimal flash
  • Load with a different prime mover
  • In action/still
  • Winter or Xmas/Normal theme
  • Anything exceptional/interesting (e.g. built up outside Buckingham Palace, has a celebrity on it - bad examples, but hopefully you get my thinking :) )
  • A historic photo that shows the same decor/state could be interesting showing that a ride hasn't changed in 20 years. This will be difficult to quantify as 20 photos, one from each year showing the same state will defeat the object of the rides list.

If you have a photo that is essentially the same as a photo already on the list, please don't add it to the rides list, but post it in the appropriate forum (e.g. Photo Forum). Whilst it's nice to see updated photos, if they show the same ride in the same way as last years photo, please don't add them to the Rides List.


Many thanks



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