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Post Photos? Please Read

Bill Edwards

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Bill Edwards

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Dear All


Following a discussion with the Forum Panel it has been unanimously decided that from now ALL photos displayed on this site MUST be hosted here, that is they must be attached to the post.

We appreciate that this is a complete reversal of our former policy where we actively encouraged members to use off site hosting such as Flickr, but circumstances have changed a great deal in the last couple of months.


Explanation: This time last year we were in a hosting plan with just 12gb of storage available and it meant that we had to take drastic measures to keep the site within that boundary. We were deleting threads far earlier than we wanted to and were constantly looking for ways to save space. The next hosting plan up was prohibitively expensive. With the newest version of the forum software, we had the option of storing all the photos off site in AWS space (Amazon Web Services). We now have unlimited space for photos and the cost is negligible. Having used this system for a few months now, we are happy with the service, cost and reliability - we are now under no pressure to delete older threads and we have photo topics going back over two years. It has also enabled us to expand the rides list with historic photos.


I was looking back over some of the older photo threads this weekend and a few have no photos displayed. These topics are where the photos were stored off site. A lot of hosting sites have limited space and as new photos are added older ones are deleted and this leaves us with photo topics with no photos. We can prevent this happening by hosting all the photos ourselves, and this is the decision the forum panel came to.


The small minority who do post photos off site, many thanks for your efforts in saving us space - it helped us through a difficult time, but it is no longer necessary. Please use our own hosting and attach your photos to the post. If anyone has problems posting photo's, please PM me and I will help.


Over the next couple of weeks I will check the 54 pages of photo topics and delete those that no longer have photos available. If you come across such a topic, please help me by clicking the REPORT button.


Many thanks



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Hello Bill what happens to all photos that are linked from flickr have we got to up load them again or can they still be seen

Regards Roger

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Bill Edwards

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If the photos are visible when the topic is checked then the topic will remain. If the photos disappear either temporarily or permanently then the topic will be deleted.


The outcome we are trying to achieve is that when members look at a photo topic they see photos. As we now have photo topics over two years old there could be a variety of reasons as to why externally hosted photos are not available - at least if they are hosted on site we have control over them. 

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Jamie Peters

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Personally I prefer having my photos in one place, ie on Flickr, its far easier to use, I get in depth statistics and it hits a greater audience, such as all the Flickr groups, having to upload to multiple websites is counter productive, I'd rather not have to upload them all over again and wait for them to upload, when uploading on my internet connection it slows right down so I can't browse any other websites, I basically have to put my laptop down and wait for it to finish before I can do anything else, and having to upload to a seperate website will double the wait time.

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Bill Edwards

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Apologies Jamie, we are never going to please everyone with any policy we introduce, but so far support for this idea has been overwhelming.


Perhaps you could upload before going to bed? Making a cuppa? Eating dinner? If not, I understand if you chose not to share with the forum.





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Jamie Peters

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I perfectly understand why you want all the photos on here, I've been a member of the forum for years and I've seen threads disappear, and photos disappear, and if its a thread you like, or its got some photos you suddenly think months later 'hang on, I want to see them again' and its not there, its annoying, I had this problem a few weeks ago actually!


But on the otherhand, I know my photos on Flickr aren't going anywhere, I use Flickr daily, I'm uploading regulary, I'm currently on holiday in Wales and uploading photos almost every day, and I've got all of my favourite shots on there, even if they do take an age to upload!


Regarding sharing in the forum, unfortunately I don't get to visit as many grounds as I used to anymore, so its not as big of a problem as it could have been a couple of years ago for me, I'm planning on going to Nottingham Goose in a few weeks, and my photos will end up on Flickr like usual, and I do enjoy sharing on the forum, but as I mentioned above it will be a pain having to upload everything twice, its something I will have to think about closer to.

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Roger Peatman

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Perhaps you could just upload  a selective sample from any collection of photos you may take in the future.

As you know, it's a pretty quick and simple process, and we certainly wouldn't want to lose your contributions to the Forum.

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my take is we helped bill out but obvious bill has more space now either way doesnt bother me i know a lot of forums you have  to have a upload to hosting site 

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Jamie Peters

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12 hours ago, Roger Peatman said:


Perhaps you could just upload  a selective sample from any collection of photos you may take in the future.

As you know, it's a pretty quick and simple process, and we certainly wouldn't want to lose your contributions to the Forum.

I could do that, I never thought of that, Bill, how would you feel if I just uploaded 3 or 4 photos (Or more dependent on the number I have) to the forum and link to the main album on Flickr with the whole collection? Its similar to what I do now, but just post the images hosted on Flickr, that way I don't have to wait for all my photos to upload to the forum

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Bill Edwards

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7 minutes ago, Jamie Peters said:

I could do that, I never thought of that, Bill, how would you feel if I just uploaded 3 or 4 photos (Or more dependent on the number I have) to the forum and link to the main album on Flickr with the whole collection? Its similar to what I do now, but just post the images hosted on Flickr, that way I don't have to wait for all my photos to upload to the forum

In an ideal world you would share your photos with us, but I fully appreciate we don't live in an ideal world. The policy we have decided on ISN'T ideal, I know that, but it is the best compromise we can come up with at the moment. So to answer your question, yes please, that is a good compromise :)


The over riding principle we are trying to achieve is that when members click into historic photo topics they do actually see photos and not place holders where the photos once were. It is a problem - I've been checking through the list and in topics over 15 months old about 20% of topics have photos missing :(


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Jamie Peters

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Cheers Bill, I know its not the best solution, as I said, I doubt I'll be at any grounds and have any photos to post until Nottingham, so I will have to see how things are closer too, but its nice to know that I'll still have the option of contributing in some form :)

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Marc Burgers

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How much time it take to upload to the forum?



Its getting more difficult for me to post on 4 funfair forums, but i will try

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Roger Peatman

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6 minutes ago, Marc Burgers said:

How much time it take to upload to the forum?



Its getting more difficult for me to post on 4 funfair forums, but i will try


if you upload just one photo of each attraction, that would be good,

We don't want to lose your posts on the Forum.

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Marc Burgers

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6 minutes ago, Roger Peatman said:


if you upload just one photo of each attraction, that would be good,

We don't want to lose your posts on the Forum.

Hmmmm, thats also difficult,

today;s posts are a selection of hunderds of photos i bringing home with me :D:D:D

Edited by Marc Burgers
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Bill Edwards

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1 hour ago, Marc Burgers said:

Hmmmm, thats also difficult,

today;s posts are a selection of hunderds of photos i bringing home with me :D:D:D

You don't have to upload every photo - as Roger says, just one of each attraction would be great!

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Marc Burgers

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Posting i'm like the staff

Are my posts allowed now?

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Roger Peatman

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7 minutes ago, Marc Burgers said:

Posting i'm like the staff

Are my posts allowed now?

They are "allowed" and much appreciated !!

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Marc Burgers

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thank you very much!!

Love to post here, and see the nice fairs of UK

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