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Rides List - Forum Supporter ONLY

Bill Edwards

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Dear All


Due to the success of our message forum it has to be hosted in professional space and due to the large number of photos we store, we require additional storage. Whilst we do all we can to manage storage, the fact remains that what we use, we must pay for. None of the forum Team is in a position to finance the forum totally, but we all donate towards it's running costs.


At one point we were in imminent danger of losing the forum due to a lack of voluntary donations. The Team decided that we would keep as much as possible of the forum "free" and restrict the Rides List to those who contributed financially. This has been successful to the point that we have been able to lower the minimum donation to just £2 per year.


If you wish to access the Rides List you will need to make a minimum donation of £2.00 per year. Members who don't wish to donate will still have free access to the rest of the forum - many, many gigabytes of photos, fair reports, discussions etc - a unique online resource. Those who wish to access the Rides List will have to make a minimum donation of £2 a year. This is far, far lower than a magazine subscription or membership of a club and, in my view and the view of the majority of the Forum Team represents excellent value for money. It works out at just under 4 PENCE per week and will ensure the forum is available for the foreseeable future.


We fully appreciate that the situation isn't ideal - we would love to keep the forum totally free, but we cannot finance the forum ourselves and voluntary donations were at a level that losing the entire forum was a real and imminent possibility.


We wish to thank all those members who have donated - you are keeping the forum available - THANK YOU!


All the best





NB: Now just £2.00 PER YEAR - Less than 4 pence a week!


If you wish to access the Rides List and donate towards our costs, please click the Subscriber Link (https://www.fun-fairs.co.uk/subscriptions/) or contact any member of the Team (https://www.fun-fairs.co.uk/staff/) for further help/information

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Martin Burridge

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Hi Bill My subscription was due to run out early February so Sent you a cheque by post for £5 on 16.1.21. I included acopy of pounds extra to help with the running cost. Up until this weekend I was able to use the rides list. Yesterday I got a new computer which is now up and running, I have been on A.T.F.O.T.F this morning and everything is working apart from the rides list which comes up as do not have permission to acess. Did you receive my cheque No 304175 or is it the new computer which won't allow me acess to the rides list. Hope you can be of help, 


Best Wishes Martin Burridge.

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You have a PM.



harry m

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Alex van Schaik

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Hi there, I have a question about the rides list?


Could you give an example/preview of what is to be found behind the closed door?


I have an interest in specific topics, but if I look at the number of posts behind those topics I see that there might not be much to see? 


For example:


Huss Condor: There are 5 posts . What can I find in those 5 posts. 


And another question is that I remember there is or was a list posted somewhere with certain categories refering to the NAtional Fairground Archive with rides listes as: UF1, UF2a etcetc. Is this also in the rides list now or am I completely missing some topics where this information is open?


Thank you in advance for taking your time to answer me. :)



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Gary Witcomb

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I don't speak for the team who run this excellent site, i speak from personal experience,  if you are interested in the history/Owners of every ride currently travelling the UK / Rides that no longer exist / Rides that have been Exported, you will fine no better reference than the Forums Ride Listing


These list are very well maintained and with the help of Membership are normally very up date (saying that there being updated with new info all the time)


There are thousands of entries on every ride type within the listings 


You will not find any ware else a more comprehensive resource of information on Ride History


All this for as little as £2  (Absolute Bargain) 


I can highly recommend the ride listings to Any Forum members 

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Alex van Schaik

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Hi Gary, some years ago I found a list of Huss rides in the UK. Unfortunately I found many mistakes on the NFA regarding rides in that list. Now I am wondering if that info has changed over the years or am I finding thesame info?


It is not about the 2 pound donation. It is more about the accuracy about the list and how far does one have to go to modify that list?



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Mike Willis

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In the past couple of years the history of most Huss Rides has been updated.  We currently list examples of Ben Hur, Breakdance, Condor, Enterprise, Flipper, Pirate Boat, Rainbow, Ranger, Tri Star, Troika & UFO which have had UK owners.

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Alex van Schaik

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I know what is listed, but it still does not give me an example of what I can find there and what is reliable info. 


I can give some examples from an older list that was public some years ago.


RZ8a : is no Huss Machine.

TR2 lists 3 different Troika's and the list says it is the same unit.

TR4 in Rotunda? 

CD3 former owners USA and Italy?


If Huss would be my main interest, then with the above I already find problems and brings me back to the question: how accurate is the info now? I just would like a preview of the list before I make a donation that might not be helpfull in my own research.



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Bill Edwards

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3 minutes ago, Alex van Schaik said:

I just would like a preview of the list before I make a donation that might not be helpfull in my own research.


Apologies, we don't offer previews.


We believe the info we have is accurate, but having said that we rely on members to inform us if anything is inaccurate.

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Paul Needham

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in regards to the NFA lists Alex, since Ian Trowell left some years ago i dont know if the lists are being updated, it was very much a passion of his

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As Bill has already pointed out we don't give  previews if we gave previews to everyone who wanted to just see if the information they wanted was in the Rides List if we did how many would return and make a contribution once they had viewed the information they wanted to see ? I'm not saying you would do that but there are people in this world who would take advantage of us in that way. We make the charge to view the Rides List because of the large number of photographs contained in the Rides List puts us in the next pricing bracket for our storage costs for photograhs as a result of this we had a tough decision to make either make a charge to view either the whole Forum or just the Rides List. At first the cost of viewing the Rides List was set at £5 as we were unsure on the numbers who would take up paying to view the Rides List. However once it became clear that a large number of Members did take up the pay to view option of the Rides List, which I think must prove that our Members are confident that the  Rides List are a good resource After seeing the sucesss of the take up of paying to view the Rides List more than covered the extra costs of storage needed we took the decision to reduse the cost from £5 to £2 per yeat , that is €2.32 at todays exchange rates not a vast amout of money for 12 months  cheaper than a cup of coffee at Costa.




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Alex van Schaik

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It's give and/or take.  


I asked for a preview, and that could be in any form of someones interest in what he would like to find in your list. Does not have to be the exact thing but for example Manufacturer or type ride related.


It looks like I have to make a donation to check my questions and/or doubts (regarding an partially older edition of your list), and if they are not correct to help change and modify the list. 🤨 Might as well ask the forums staff money for my own information in what I believe has something to add if my doubts are correct at this time. 


Thank you for your comments but it has no use in going forth and back about a donation. 


Check the first 2 rides I mentioned for it's current status as they were not correct in a older version of your list.


RZ8a is not a Huss machine it is a Soriani & Moser

TR2 has 3 different machines in it's previous owner listing.


The above info has no charge. ;)













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Bill Edwards

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It may be helpful if you read the first post in this thread - Our hosting and storage bills are considerable, we used to reply on voluntary donations to pay the bills, but donations fell to a level where we were in danger of losing the forum. This appeared to be the only way forward and it works well for us. It may help if you look at the "charge" more in terms of a very small donation to help the forum survive rather than a charge to access a  small part of the forum?

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The £2 donation is for helping towards the forums running costs.

We made the rides listings a bonus feature for those who donated/helped with the running costs.

It's A 'bonus' feature for those who help! The £2 isn't specifically to view the rides lists.

Hope that clears it up a little?

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I never use Paypall, why can't I use my creditcard?

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Paul Needham

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£2 is nothing to be fair, ( no pun)🙂 

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Alex van Schaik

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Thank you gentlemen for your presentation about donating and why it is needed etc. I can relate and understand as I was once an administrator and I know about costs and traffic etcetc.


I hoped that at least one of the staff members would look at my questions regarding 2 rides.


Instead you choose only to talk about money.......




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Gary Witcomb

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34 minutes ago, Alex van Schaik said:

Thank you gentlemen for your presentation about donating and why it is needed etc. I can relate and understand as I was once an administrator and I know about costs and traffic etcetc.


I hoped that at least one of the staff members would look at my questions regarding 2 rides.


Instead you choose only to talk about money.......





With all the good intentions in the world Our Rides listing are only as good as the information received/ collected from Showmen / Enthusiasts / Historians, over many decades, we don't / cant guarantee the contents, i do guarantee there will be Errors within the lists but unless people like yourself & others come forward with new information these records will remain incorrect, which is something no one wants,  they are under constant review and are corrected as and when information comes to light


Sadly the NFA no longer keeps or updates any records and this is the only place you can find such information on ride histories, apart from many Enthusiasts who keep there own records  


So please if you have any detailed info please passed it on so records can be brought up to date, putting the £2 aside as enough has been stated on that subject the ATFOTF Ride Listings is a fantastic resource and is very informative (even with one or two errors) 


The more knowledgeable Members like yourself who become supporters and have full access to these ride listing the better to ensure correct information on ride histories for future generations to come


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Bill Edwards

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19 hours ago, Eric said:

I never use Paypall, why can't I use my creditcard?


We are a Hobby Site run by enthusiasts and are not set up for card payments. The cost of setting this up and the fees involved to collect £2 would mean we'd make a loss. Instead we use PayPal to collect card payments - common among hobby sites and small businesses for whom it is uneconomical to take direct card payments. We also accept cash, cheques and bank transfers, so we believe there is an easy method for members to donate.  

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Bill Edwards

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2 hours ago, Alex van Schaik said:

I hoped that at least one of the staff members would look at my questions regarding 2 rides.


Unfortunately, if we just answered every ones questions, we'd have little support and the forum would close. This wasn't a decision we took lightly and we'd love nothing more than to allow every one free access, but that isn't practical (and yes, we looked at sponsorship, adverts etc and nothing looked likely to work)

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24 minutes ago, Bill Edwards said:


We are a Hobby Site run by enthusiasts and are not set up for card payments. The cost of setting this up and the fees involved to collect £2 would mean we'd make a loss. Instead we use PayPal to collect card payments - common among hobby sites and small businesses for whom it is uneconomical to take direct card payments. We also accept cash, cheques and bank transfers, so we believe there is an easy method for members to donate.  

Ok, thank you for the info, understandable.

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I have paid the £2 by bank transfer!


       Mark Johnson

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2 hours ago, Mark Johnson said:


I have paid the £2 by bank transfer!


       Mark Johnson


Many thanks,  I have updated your forum account. 



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Can you let me know if you received my payment, many thanks 57smart

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1 hour ago, 57Smart said:


Can you let me know if you received my payment, many thanks 57smart

@Bill Edwards

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